English language

How to pronounce talk in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms speak
Type of intercommunicate, communicate
Has types butterfly, carry on, chat up, flirt, cheek, continue, converse, coquet, coquette, dally, hold forth, discourse, dish the dirt, dogmatise, dogmatize, gossip, go on, dissertate, spiel, soliloquize, soliloquise, romance, rap, talk down, proceed, talk turkey, pontificate, philander, orate, monologuize, monologuise, mash, level
Derivation talking, talkative

We often talk business.
Actions talk louder than words.
Type Words
Synonyms speak
Type of intercommunicate, communicate
Has types smatter, slang, run on
Derivation talker

the baby talks already.
Type Words
Synonyms talking
Type of conversation
Has types yack, yak, chatter, cant, malarky, nothingness, pious platitude, yakety-yak, shmooze, shop talk, wind, dialog, dialogue, cackle, duologue, heart-to-heart, idle words, jazz, malarkey

let's have more work and less talk around here.
Type Words
Synonyms mouth, speak, utter, verbalise, verbalize
Type of intercommunicate, communicate
Has types yap away, enthuse, gabble, generalise, generalize, gibber, ejaculate, drone on, drone, gulp, hiss, deliver, inflect, speak up, babble, spout, stammer, stutter, swallow, talk about, talk of, tattle, tittle-tattle, tone, troll, twaddle, verbalise, verbalize, vocalise, vocalize, whiff, whine, whisper, yack, yack away, falter, clack, chatter, intone, jabber, jaw, chant, cackle, bumble, lip off, blurt out, maunder, modulate, blurt, blunder out, mouth off, mumble, murmur, mussitate, mutter, open up, blunder, palaver, peep, blubber out, phonate, piffle, blubber, prate, prattle, blabber, present, blab, rabbit on, rant, rasp, rattle on, rave, read, begin, bay, shoot one's mouth off, shout, sibilate, sing, siss, sizz, slur, snap, snarl, snivel, bark, speak in tongues
Verb group verbalise, verbalize
Derivation talker

She talks a lot of nonsense.
Type Words
Synonyms lecture
Type of learn, teach, instruct
Has types preach, prophesy
Derivation talker

She will talk at Rutgers next week.
Type Words
Synonyms spill
Type of tell
Verb group blab, babble, babble out, spill the beans, peach, tattle, sing, blab out, let the cat out of the bag

If you don't oblige me, I'll talk!.
Type Words
Synonyms lecture, public lecture
Type of speech, address
Type Words
Synonyms talk of the town
Type of scuttlebutt, comment, gossip
Derivation talky

there has been talk about you lately.
Type Words
Synonyms babble, babble out, blab, blab out, let the cat out of the bag, peach, sing, spill the beans, tattle
Type of give away, bring out, expose, let out, break, let on, uncover, disclose, reveal, discover, unwrap, divulge
Verb group spill
Derivation talkative

Be careful--his secretary talks.
Type Words
Type of discussion, discourse, treatment

his poetry contains much talk about love and anger.
Type Words
Type of lecturing, lecture
Has types chalk talk

I attended an interesting talk on local history.

Examples of talk

Les Easter said he let his father talk, and military segregation didn't come up.
From the stltoday.com
Out of the box spews a loud cross-talk of invective, venom, tirade and diatribe.
From the thenewstribune.com
When workplace issues arise, take pride in yourself and talk about it in person.
From the desmoinesregister.com
For all the talk of five-year plans, China is making things up as it goes along.
From the bloomberg.com
There is more to the story, though, that Mooney didn't talk about six years ago.
From the denverpost.com
We also talk about whether it has gotten too easy to start a company these days.
From the techcrunch.com
Have you met someone you would like to write about, or would suggest we talk to?
From the ocregister.com
Much of official black Boston did not want to talk about Chuck Turner yesterday.
From the bostonherald.com
Tommie Liddell said Saturday that some players tried to talk Cotto into staying.
From the stltoday.com
More examples
  • An exchange of ideas via conversation; "let's have more work and less talk around here"
  • Exchange thoughts; talk with; "We often talk business"; "Actions talk louder than words"
  • Discussion; (`talk about' is a less formal alternative for `discussion of'); "his poetry contains much talk about love and anger"
  • Express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize"
  • Speak: use language; "the baby talks already"; "the prisoner won't speak"; "they speak a strange dialect"
  • The act of giving a talk to an audience; "I attended an interesting talk on local history"
  • Talk is a 1994 Australian film directed by Susan Lambert and starring Victoria Longley and Angie Milliken.
  • Talk was an American magazine which was published from 1999 to 2001.
  • Talk is the debut album by Australian rock group Paul Kelly and the Dots and was originally released on 30 March 1981 by Mushroom Records and re-released in 1990. ...